Friday 6 December 2013

Rayfire + cryengine so far

Today I have exported my destroyed model into cryengine and added a few decals to show some progression. I am really enjoying working on this -its possibly the most fun ive ever had in cryengine!

This was the crack texture I you can see it was very basic..but very effective in my opinion.
this was my inspiration for my cracks

a simple drawn up crack in photoshop using a 3px brush and simple shadowing/noise tools

Sunday 1 December 2013

Model export without damage to cryengine

Today I exported my geometry for the half of my video in which i plan to show the before scenes 100 years ago. here are some pictures.

Thursday 28 November 2013

Crazy Bump

Today I began playing with crazy bump in an attempt to create more realistic textures. As I plan to have a laval rock/meteor like object fall and hit the barcelona pavillion, I started creating textures, and adding bump maps through this program. I found this texture online - and ran a crazy bump, and exported it. here are the results.

Monday 18 November 2013

Pompeii Documentary

This video entails a played out version of the final events of pompeii. It has allowed me to figure out what sort of textures will be needed for the human models which shall lay on the ground.

Thursday 14 November 2013

export geometry from 3ds to Cryengine

I know this is a little late, but considering what ive gone through and when my due date is compared to everyone else, id say im making half decent progress.

Today I got the cryengine exporter working in its very basic form. As I have not yet made textures apart from the (meteor like object I have created), I am unable to export with any - However, I plan on doing so very soon.

This is just sum of the geometry of the barcelona pavillion - demonstrating that I have got the exporter working.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Modelling one hundred years on ideas

the remains of people found at Pompeii thousands of years after - The volcanic ash preserved their
bodies, depicting their final hours before their inevitable demise.
As my map is based around the destruction caused by an erupting volcano, I have an idea for my final video.

for the first section of the machinima, show my model within the crysis environment in the past before the damage. Then have the volcanic debris hail down upon the structure (possibly get some AI bots running away if I can manage it) - This will show the building getting damaged somewhat from the lava rock storm falling upon the Pompeii like setting - By adding ash floating down upon the barcelona pavillion it will add more of an effect to it all.

Then skip to 100 years on, having hardened rock textured people laying down on the floor in various positions attempting to take cover - similar to this photo. It is known that during Pompeii ordeal, Mount Vesuvius erupted, taking out the entire village. As people attempted to take cover, they suffocated from the volcanic ash in the air, and were left laying there upon the ground. However, the volcanic ash hardened around several bodies, preserving them for archaeologists to find hundreds of years later.

I think if I were to model some basic human shapes and apply a darkened concrete/ash like texture, it could add to the overall effect of the environment and the subsequent assignment concepts.